To be honest, I had heard that the film in the pavilion was very good, but aside from the "O! Canada" film that we would watch later, we did not see any of the films from the countries. This even includes the Norwegian movie that those brutish Nordics try to force you into after "Maelstrom!" Take that, you Aryan filth!(author's note: Love them least Norwegians not in Epcot Center...but we shall get to that later! And now, back to your previous blog experience)
We wandered our way back into the Kidcot passport center, located in the main gift shop and spent some time there browsing the various items and Lauren made me wear a beret. Suffice it to say, I was adorable. Annoyed at the display, but adorable.
We wandered the assorted streets and there was a wonderful Beauty and the Beast display in the....perfume shop, I believe. Lauren was smitten, and after FINALLY figuring out how to make my camera do what I wanted it to do, we took a myriad of pictures to commemorate the occasion.
Somehow, I assume due to still being stuffed from lunch, we managed to avoid the boulangerie patisserie and made our way over the Straits of Gibraltar into the Kingdom of Morocco. This is, in my humble opinion, one of the most interesting pavilions in World Showcase. Whereas almost everyone has experienced some aspect of France, or Mexico or even Norway, there is not a whole lot of Moroccan influence that is commonly available, so to enter the kingdom was to completely enter a new place. From the open air market to the crowded, narrow streets, Morocco is a unique experience and one that we thoroughly enjoyed. Although Lauren would not let me buy one of the plethora of instruments available, she could not stop me from "testing them out" to my little heart's content. After the "concert," we got the passport stamped and signed and continued on our merry international journey.
Following Morocco, we found ourselves in Japan, drawn to the loud sounds of drums. It was a musical troupe, known as Matsuriza, which consists of 3 or 4 drummers drumming on gigantic drums (Right there, that seems like an awful lot of derivatives of the word "drum") They were quite good and we enjoyed the display. After the performance, we entered the gigantic Japanese department store, called the Mitsukoshi Department Store. I had been looking forward to this stop for awhile.
See, Lauren typically hates buying things for herself. I, on the other hand, love treating myself, and her as well. However, in the past, many occasions when I have tried to get her even a small little gift have been met with resistance. I made it my goal that I was going to get her a neat little present while we were at DisneyWorld. Something nice for her to have and remember the trip by. Well, during my pre-trip research, I learned that in Mitsukoshi, they have a live oyster tank, with each oyster guaranteed to contain a pearl. They were all different colors, sizes and qualities, but they were all pearls. I decided that I would like to get Lauren a ring, with one of the pearls as the gem. We went over to the tank and watched a few people get their pearls and I asked her which of the settings she liked best. She found a nice simple silver one and I told her (I'm sure she had already figured it out at this point) that I wanted to get her one of the pearls and give her a ring. She tried futilely to put up a fight, but I insisted, and eventually won. She picked the oyster and it contained a pink pearl of pretty decent size. We were both pretty happy with that, her, because it was a nice looking pearl and me, because it was like buying a pack of baseball cards, what with the randomness of what is going to come out of the package. We gave it to the ringmakers along with what setting we wanted and set our watches to return in the 45 minutes that they said it would take them to fashion the ring. Lauren handed me a penny, because it is evidently bad luck to recieve a pearl without giving a gift in return and we didn't want any bad luck to befall us on the trip!
We continued through the department store, amused by the prevalence of Pokemon and Hello Kitty items, and found our way to the back room, where we found the grocery portion of the store. In addition to other funky treats, we found one of my favorite sodas:Ramune; originally discovered on one of our Cost Plus or Bristol Farms jaunts. (Yes, despite the fact that we are poor, we frequent high-end snack distributors. What can I say?) We had only ever experienced the original (lemon-lime?) in the past, so finding strawberry and orange flavors here was a definite highlight! Lauren also indulged her tea addiction by purchasing a box of Jasmine Green Tea.
After touring the "Tin Toys" exhibit, featuring classic Japanese tin toys and enjoying our Ramune, it was about time to pick up the ring. They informed us to allow a day or so to let the glue holding the pearl to set and sent us on our merry way. While exiting the pavilion, we saw that Miyuki was making her candy animals. We joined the throngs to see the amazing feat that is Japanese candy sculpting. It was truly incredible what Miyuki was able to do with just a ball of white rice dough candy, turning it into dragons, tigers and sharks! Upon returning home we found that not only is this a truly exclusive art, but that Miyuki is the one and only female candy sculptor in the world. Very impressive.
Unable to get ourselves selected to choose and receive one of Miyuki's creations, Lauren and I trekked on to the America pavilion.
Unfortunately, one of my favorite attractions in Epcot, The American Adventure was down for a short rehab for the duration of our trip, so we were unable to go in and see the wonderful rotunda and the amazing show contained within.

Our American Adventure consisted of getting the passport signed (and mis-spelled) and a visit to the America shop. No funnel cake for Andrew, and we headed toward China, with all good intents, but we were slightly detoured. Right next to the pavilion in, what can best be described as an alley, was a wonderful cornucopia of characters. I practically dragged Lauren over to see some more old friends of ours. Friends who we haven't seen in California in quite some years!
Our American Adventure consisted of getting the passport signed (and mis-spelled) and a visit to the America shop. No funnel cake for Andrew, and we headed toward China, with all good intents, but we were slightly detoured. Right next to the pavilion in, what can best be described as an alley, was a wonderful cornucopia of characters. I practically dragged Lauren over to see some more old friends of ours. Friends who we haven't seen in California in quite some years!
I told them how much we missed them out with us and they seemed sympathetic. Hugs and tears aside, we ventured further down the alley to see Donald, who loved my Ducktales shirt and was more than happy to pose with us!
After Donald we met one of my many Disney dopplegangers, Stitch, and got a photo with him too. I wonder what mischief we could be planning?
Lauren got into the action, too, finding herself in the company of these two ne'er-do-wells. I'm not entirely certain that I'm OK with that...
After we got our character fix, we headed down the World Showcase trail. It's a good thing we stumbled upon our friends when we did, because for the duration of the trip, anytime we were near that area, I would do a quick check over and there were never any characters there.
Italy was up next. We wandered back to get the passport signed near the Neptune statue, which I believe is a representation of the Trevi Fountain. It was here that we experienced one of the things that one will only experience at Disney. A family was preparing for a big group photo and as they were walking up to the fountain, a gentleman shoved his video camera into Lauren's hands and requested that she take some video of the family. No big deal, but handing the camera to us before saying a word? Interesting. I was seeing shades of "European Vacation" where Chevy Chase gives his camcorder to a guy at the Trevi Fountain, who has the family pose further and further away until he has a chance to turn and run with the camcorder. Ah to be ensconced in the Disney protective bubble!
While a very beautiful pavilion, there isn't too much to Italy so aside from wandering through the shops, we didn't spend too much time here and thus, continued on the the next of the Axis countries, Germany.
Outside of the Germany pavilion is an amazing model train display. Why Germany, you may ask? Well, were I to be a less diplomatic person I would say that they were excellent at making the trains run on time.

However, not only is that not only not true, but it is attributed to an individual in the country next door. Also, I am diplomatic, so there's that!
However, not only is that not only not true, but it is attributed to an individual in the country next door. Also, I am diplomatic, so there's that!
Germany is a nice pavilion, again with not too much to it. Had the Imagineers followed through with the conceptual Rhine River Ride, that would have certainly spiced things up a bit. But, as of now, aside from the obligatory shops, including a Hummel shop--which I visited as a tribute to my Grandma, a big Hummel collector-- the pavilion essentially consists of the Biergarten Restaurant. Neither Lauren nor I are very big drinkers, so we passed on this one.

However, we did not pass on the candy shop! Lauren had always wanted to try marzipan, and lo and behold, the German candy store featured bars of marzipan! I got a chocolate bar, hearing that German chocolate was amazing. While pretty darn good, I was crushed to find the same chocolate at Cost Plus on our return home. At least I fared better than Lauren, who realized that there was a reason she had never tried marzipan. Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
However, we did not pass on the candy shop! Lauren had always wanted to try marzipan, and lo and behold, the German candy store featured bars of marzipan! I got a chocolate bar, hearing that German chocolate was amazing. While pretty darn good, I was crushed to find the same chocolate at Cost Plus on our return home. At least I fared better than Lauren, who realized that there was a reason she had never tried marzipan. Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
As we left Germany, we saw a long line that appeared stagnant. Upon further inspection, Dopey was at the head of the line, but curiously, it was not moving at all. The character host came back to us and said that Snow White would be a few more minutes, but if we wanted a picture with Dopey, we could move to the front of the line. We instantly obliged. Who needs Snow White, anyway? Not us!
We stopped by the Equatorial Africa/ Coca-Cola pavilion for a quick picture, where Lauren tried to upstage the polar bears as Coke mascot. I'll let you be the judge.

Following that, we were in China.

China was a really neat pavilion and though sticking to plan, we missed the film, we actually ended up spending quite a bit of time and money here. You're welcome, Chinese GNP! The shop in the back of the pavilion was immersive and before I knew it, was the proud owner of a Chinese walking stick/cane for less than five dollars! Can't beat that with a stick!(insert studio laughter here)Please keep the fact that I am wandering World Showcase with a cane in mind for later. It becomes important. Lauren also found some things that she wanted to buy for her family and herself, including a little bird wine glass balancer thing for her mom and a box of lychee guessed it, tea! and a postcard celebrating the year of the rat for herself.. Also, I was slightly offended by the T-shirts featuring Mao. I'm just saying.
China was a really neat pavilion and though sticking to plan, we missed the film, we actually ended up spending quite a bit of time and money here. You're welcome, Chinese GNP! The shop in the back of the pavilion was immersive and before I knew it, was the proud owner of a Chinese walking stick/cane for less than five dollars! Can't beat that with a stick!(insert studio laughter here)Please keep the fact that I am wandering World Showcase with a cane in mind for later. It becomes important. Lauren also found some things that she wanted to buy for her family and herself, including a little bird wine glass balancer thing for her mom and a box of lychee guessed it, tea! and a postcard celebrating the year of the rat for herself.. Also, I was slightly offended by the T-shirts featuring Mao. I'm just saying.
At this point we realized that all of our jet-setting had just about managed to work out our collective lunches from our collective systems and it was time to eat again! We decided against trying to get into Nine Dragons and went for the Lotus Blossom Cafe. I had my Chinese food stand-by, orange chicken and Lauren opted for the beef noodle soup bowl. Both were good, though Lauren has been obsessing about the soup since we got home, and has attempted to duplicate the experience with no luck. It was not the actual meals that excited us, however. Like any good kids-at-heart, it was the dessert that had us thrilled. We decided to continue our "new taste experiment" theme and have some red bean ice cream. Wow was it good. We need a way to find that back here at home as well!
After eating, we were right on time to see the Dragon Legend acrobats. Talk about an impressive show! Normally with acrobats, I find myself cheering for failure and possible harm, but with these guys, I actually wanted them to succeed. What a weird feeling! They did not disappoint!
Norway was up next and was the closest thing I could find to my Danish heritage. No real Scottish pavilion and no Danish. I feel slightly gypped. Ah well. If I can count part of my heritage being in the Norway pavilion, I'll be happy, if only for the Maelstrom connection. It was a relative walk-on and I was able to show Lauren the hidden mickey in the Viking mural at load. We hopped in the boats and prepared for our journey into the history and economy of Norway...oh, and of course TROLLS! I love this little ride and it inspired one of our catch phrases for the remainder of the trip whenever someone--including eachother--annoyed us. "Back! Back! Over the falls!"
As mentioned previously, we ditched the movie and still wound up in a gift shop. Thanks, Disney. The store was pretty neat though. Very soft sweaters, lots of trolls and it smelled like grandma. I don't know how to quantify that, but it smelled like grandmas. It's my story and I'm sticking to it! As Lauren went to get her passport signed, she had to wait for a few kids to get done with their little art projects, including one small boy who was thoroughly excited about the prospect of something to do. Upon seeing the little table, he proclaimed "Oooooo! Activities!" Kids, I tells ya!
We were still hungry, but I guess battling trolls and managing not to die over the falls makes one hungry, and I had heard great things about the Kringla Bakeri og Cafe. We went in and the cast members were actually quite short with us, something I was none too pleased with and it made me glad I skipped their stupid film! Take THAT Norway Tourism Board! Foodwise, I ordered something called Lefse, which is described as traditional potato bread covered in butter and cinnamon sugar. Sounds right up my alley. I was to be sorely mistaken. Lauren, on the other hand, ordered what was essentially two waffles with some sort of jam in between them. I wish I had gotten what she had. I still snuck some bites though!
After our snack it was onward to Mexico! We entered the pyramid and enjoyed looking at the Oaxacan animal carvings in the foyer. We also really enjoyed the interior of the pavilion, which is setup like a little twilight market. We shopped around for a bit, and then proceeded to walk onto the "Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros!" I love the three caballeros! First Figment, the Country Bears and now these guys?!? Wow, I love Disney World!
The ride was fun, in a cute sort of way. Kind of Small World-esque with some fun new technology to incorporate mis tres amigos into the attraction. Well, I enjoyed it, anyway!
It was getting to be time for Illuminations at this point, and we ventured back over to England, since I had heard that one of the best viewing spots for the show was right behind the Rose and Crown. Well, standing in front of the little walkway down to the water were two guest control cast members. I asked them if there was any more seating down there. They kind of looked around and some jerk in a Patriots hat, who apparently knew them, told them not to let me in, due to my Chargers cap. I made some diplomatic remark, managing to contain my venomous hatred for anyone and anything remotely associated with the cheater...err Patriots. The guest control people asked if it was just the two of us and when we affirmed that fact, handed us two tickets for the VIP viewing section. I kinda felt bad, not knowing that we were asking for something special like that, but I certainly wasn't going to say no. They told us to return in 30 minutes or so, so we wandered over to Canada, where Lauren bought Maple tea and smarties for me. Not American smarties, the British ones, more like M&M's, but with a flavored candy coating, and we continued into the English store for some snacks for the show.

We got some crisps, and Toffos (my new favorite candy!) It was right about time to report to our spot, so in we went.
We got some crisps, and Toffos (my new favorite candy!) It was right about time to report to our spot, so in we went.
We were sitting there, preparing our cameras for the show when we realized that I had my cane, and whenever I have some sort of walking stick, I manage to subconciously affect a limp. We both laughed at the premise that this may have been what made the cast members decide to give us the tickets. Is this indeed true? Probably not, but the world may never know.
Illuminations was a really great show, and I'm glad we got to see it, and from such a great vantage point.

After the show we realized that we had been in Epcot for over twelve hours and had a nice early morning the following day, as well as several more days in the parks, so we trudged back to the hotel and enjoyed the whirlpool tub and just relaxed.
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