Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why should 100 be any different than the 99 prior?

Well? Why should they. Tonight hurt. Tonight hurt a lot. I refused to watch the final pitch to Soriano. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen and the Cubs still have one pitch to go. A lot of Cub fans are disgusted. I'm not. Maybe the Curse of the Billy Goat is really that we are all just as stubborn as one.

Postseason, from here on out, I could care less. But a few more months til the hot stove talk starts again and a few months til I will be on a plane for the Cub Convention. And a year from now? I will be booking tickets to the Cubs NLDS games. I can feel it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to stay upbeat about it. I admire the way you took it and that you are already looking forward to next year and the possibilities of the next season. Go Cubs Go!